GRE Word List


rent or tribute in medieval England

The meaning of the word gavel is rent or tribute in medieval England.

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anthropoidany of a suborder (Anthropoidea) of higher primates (such as macaques and marmosets)
infamoushaving a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil
turgidexcessively embellished in style or language : bombastic
compriseto be made up of
fatuouscomplacently or inanely foolish : silly
diffidencethe quality or state of being unassertive or bashful : the quality or state of being diffident
salaciousarousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination
connubialof or relating to the married state : conjugal
abaseto lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem
sumptuousextremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent