GRE Word List
to bring under control and governance as a subject : conquer
The meaning of the word subjugate is to bring under control and governance as a subject : conquer.
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Word | Meaning |
disjointed | being thrown out of orderly function |
expurgate | to cleanse of something morally harmful, offensive, or erroneous |
career | a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling |
stalemate | a drawing position in chess in which a player is not in checkmate but has no legal move to play |
manacle | a shackle for the hand or wrist : handcuff |
motto | a sentence, phrase, or word inscribed on something as appropriate to or indicative of its character or use |
neologism | a new word, usage, or expression |
prototype | an original model on which something is patterned : archetype |
draft | the act of drawing or pulling in a net |
confiscate | appropriated by the government : forfeited |