GRE Word List


characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound

The meaning of the word strident is characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound.

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inuredto accustom to accept something undesirable
banallacking originality, freshness, or novelty : trite
onerousinvolving, imposing, or constituting a burden : troublesome
rivetinghaving the power to fix the attention : engrossing
abscissionthe act or process of cutting off : removal
swelterto suffer, sweat, or be faint from heat
distinctionthe act of perceiving someone or something as being not the same and often treating as separate or different : the distinguishing of a difference
blunthaving an edge or point that is not sharp
stanzaa division of a poem consisting of a series of lines arranged together in a usually recurring pattern of meter and rhyme : strophe