GRE Word List


something in a middle position

The meaning of the word medium is something in a middle position.

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lagoona shallow sound, channel, or pond near or communicating with a larger body of water
agnostica person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable
extemporaneouscomposed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment : impromptu
self-indulgenceexcessive or unrestrained gratification of one's own appetites, desires, or whims
inclusivebroad in orientation or scope
tauntto reproach or challenge in a mocking or insulting manner : jeer at
subsidiaryfurnishing aid or support : auxiliary
procurementthe act or process of procuring
diminutionthe act, process, or an instance of becoming gradually less (as in size or importance) : the act, process, or an instance of diminishing : decrease