GRE Word List


an ancestor in the direct line : forefather

The meaning of the word progenitor is an ancestor in the direct line : forefather.

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affablebeing pleasant and at ease in talking to others
nuancea subtle distinction or variation
horticulturalthe science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants
indubitabletoo evident to be doubted : unquestionable
flauntto display or obtrude oneself to public notice
anemiaa condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume
placateto soothe or mollify especially by concessions : appease
expansivehaving a capacity or a tendency to expand
ruminateto go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly
academicof, relating to, or associated with an academy or school especially of higher learning