GRE Word List


the act of fitting out or equipping (as for a voyage or expedition)

The meaning of the word outfit is the act of fitting out or equipping (as for a voyage or expedition).

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abdicateto renounce a throne, high office, dignity, or function
biliousof or relating to a yellow or greenish fluid that is secreted by the liver and that aids especially in the emulsification and absorption of fats : of or relating to bile (see bile
vetoan authoritative prohibition : interdiction
spatialrelating to, occupying, or having the character of space
matrimonythe state of being married : marriage
iridescenthaving or exhibiting iridescence
epicureone with sensitive and discriminating tastes especially in food or wine
remorsea gnawing distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs : self-reproach
anonymitythe quality or state of being anonymous