GRE Word List


the act of fitting out or equipping (as for a voyage or expedition)

The meaning of the word outfit is the act of fitting out or equipping (as for a voyage or expedition).

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slinkto go or move stealthily or furtively (as in fear or shame) : steal
affablebeing pleasant and at ease in talking to others
catcalla loud or raucous cry made especially to express disapproval (as at a sports event)
elucidateto make lucid especially by explanation or analysis
euthanasiathe act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy
trimto remove by or as if by cutting
chauvinistan attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex
incoherentlacking coherence: such as
firebranda piece of burning wood
muralof, relating to, or resembling a wall