GRE Word List


a flat thin implement used especially for spreading or mixing soft substances, scooping, or lifting

The meaning of the word spatula is a flat thin implement used especially for spreading or mixing soft substances, scooping, or lifting.

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inscrutablenot readily investigated, interpreted, or understood : mysterious
ambivalencesimultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (such as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action
narrativesomething that is narrated : story
pulsateto throb or move rhythmically : vibrate
high-flownexceedingly or excessively high or favorable
effusionan act of effusing
belateddelayed beyond the usual time
quotidianoccurring every day
rantto talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
self-righteousconvinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic