GRE Word List


a tall perennial sedge (Cyperus papyrus) of the Nile valley

The meaning of the word papyrus is a tall perennial sedge (Cyperus papyrus) of the Nile valley.

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direexciting horror
puckerto become wrinkled or constricted
traverseto go or travel across or over
chapela subordinate or private place of worship: such as
disbarto expel from the bar or the legal profession : deprive (an attorney) of legal status and privileges
incrementthe amount or degree by which something changes
abstinencethe practice of abstaining from something : the practice of not doing or having something that is wanted or enjoyable
stippleto engrave by means of dots and flicks
vertebrateany of a subphylum (Vertebrata) of chordates that comprises animals (such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes) typically having a bony or cartilaginous spinal column which replaces the notochord, a distinct head containing a brain which arises as an enlarged part of the nerve cord, and an internal usually bony skeleton and that includes some primitive forms (such as lampreys) in which the spinal column is absent and the notochord persists throughout life
simperto smile in a silly, affected, or ingratiating manner