GRE Word List


any of a group of female and partly human creatures in Greek mythology that lured mariners to destruction by their singing

The meaning of the word siren is any of a group of female and partly human creatures in Greek mythology that lured mariners to destruction by their singing.

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tenaciousnot easily pulled apart : cohesive
snickerto laugh in a covert or partly suppressed manner : titter
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recreantcrying for mercy : cowardly
affablebeing pleasant and at ease in talking to others
incubusan evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep
pinnaclean upright architectural member generally ending in a small spire and used especially in Gothic construction to give weight especially to a buttress
elysianof or relating to Elysium
drawto cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance : pull
perverseturned away from what is right or good : corrupt