GRE Word List


involving or accomplished with careful perseverance

The meaning of the word sedulous is involving or accomplished with careful perseverance.

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valedictoryof or relating to a valediction : expressing or containing a farewell
misapprehensionto apprehend wrongly : misunderstand
indictto charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (such as a grand jury) in due form of law
jovialcharacterized by good-humored cheerfulness and conviviality : jolly
deterrentserving to discourage, prevent, or inhibit : serving to deter
misogynista person who hates or discriminates against women : a misogynistic person
screecha high shrill piercing cry usually expressing pain or terror
rotunditymarked by roundness : rounded
chimericalexisting only as the product of unchecked imagination : fantastically visionary (see visionary
puckerto become wrinkled or constricted