GRE Word List


to deal with successfully : clear up

The meaning of the word resolve is to deal with successfully : clear up.

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fulsomecharacterized by abundance : copious
innovationa new idea, method, or device : novelty
grouseany of various chiefly ground-dwelling birds (family Tetraonidae) that are usually of reddish-brown or other protective color and have feathered legs and that include many important game birds
emendto correct usually by textual alterations
allayto subdue or reduce in intensity or severity : alleviate
podiatristthe medical care and treatment of the human foot
euthanasiathe act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy
shrewdmarked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen
cauterizeto sear with a cautery or caustic
suturea strand or fiber used to sew parts of the living body