GRE Word List


resembling an oracle (as in solemnity of delivery)

The meaning of the word oracular is resembling an oracle (as in solemnity of delivery).

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gloss_overexplain away with the intention of deceiving or hiding faults
acumenkeenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters
redoubtablecausing fear or alarm : formidable
punitiveinflicting, involving, or aiming at punishment
exorciseto expel (an evil spirit) by adjuration
deputizeto appoint as deputy
vertigoa sensation of motion in which the individual or the individual's surroundings seem to whirl dizzily
dignitaryone who possesses exalted rank or holds a position of dignity or honor
acnea disorder of the skin caused by inflammation of the skin glands and hair follicles