GRE Word List
to succeed in an enterprise or activity
The meaning of the word prosper is to succeed in an enterprise or activity.
Random words
Word | Meaning |
bacchanalia | a Roman festival of Bacchus celebrated with dancing, song, and revelry |
sham | a trick that deludes : hoax |
odorous | having an odor: such as |
antique | existing since or belonging to earlier times : ancient |
foment | to promote the growth or development of : rouse |
vigilant | alertly watchful especially to avoid danger |
dull | tedious |
amulet | a charm (such as an ornament) often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol to aid the wearer or protect against evil (such as disease or witchcraft) |
uproarious | marked by uproar |
shuffle | to mix in a mass confusedly : jumble |