GRE Word List


causing amazement or wonder

The meaning of the word prodigious is causing amazement or wonder.

Random words

disgruntleto make ill-humored or discontented
penurya cramping and oppressive lack of resources (such as money)
dissidentdisagreeing especially with an established religious or political system, organization, or belief
platitudethe quality or state of being dull or insipid
prurientmarked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire
contaminateto soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association
adaptto make fit (as for a new use) often by modification
gibeto utter taunting words
astigmatisma defect of an optical system (such as a lens) causing rays from a point to fail to meet in a focal point resulting in a blurred and imperfect image
libidinoushaving or marked by lustful desires : lascivious