GRE Word List


something offered or striven for in competition or in contests of chance

The meaning of the word prize is something offered or striven for in competition or in contests of chance.

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annexto attach as a quality, consequence, or condition
gaffea social or diplomatic blunder
parchmentthe skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on
amplifyto expand (something, such as a statement) by the use of detail or illustration or by closer analysis
vortexsomething that resembles a whirlpool
salientmoving by leaps or springs : jumping
sprightlymarked by a gay lightness and vivacity : spirited
solsticeeither of the two points on the ecliptic at which its distance from the celestial equator is greatest and which is reached by the sun each year about June 21 and December 21
perspicuousplain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation
elicitto call forth or draw out (something, such as information or a response)