GRE Word List


an established preference for something

The meaning of the word predilection is an established preference for something.

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bateto reduce the force or intensity of : restrain
proliferateto grow by rapid production of new parts, cells, buds, or offspring
vultureany of various large birds (families Accipitridae and Cathartidae) that are related to the hawks, eagles, and falcons but have weaker claws and the head usually naked and that subsist chiefly or entirely on carrion
edicta proclamation having the force of law
exasperateto cause irritation or annoyance to
parsimonythe quality of being careful with money or resources : thrift
balefuldeadly or pernicious in influence
earthlycharacteristic of or belonging to this earth
fermentationthe enzyme-catalyzed anaerobic breakdown of an energy-rich compound (such as a carbohydrate to carbon dioxide and alcohol or to an organic acid) by the action of microorganisms (such as bacteria or yeast) that occurs naturally and is commonly used in the production of various products (such as food, alcoholic beverages, and pharmaceuticals) especially by controlling microbial enzymatic activity
protractto prolong in time or space : continue