GRE Word List


expressive of suffering or woe : melancholy

The meaning of the word plaintive is expressive of suffering or woe : melancholy.

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inexorablenot to be persuaded, moved, or stopped : relentless
advocacythe act or process of supporting a cause or proposal : the act or process of advocating (see advocate
aegisa shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty that was associated with Zeus and Athena
serratednotched or toothed on the edge
rectitudethe quality or state of being straight
esteemthe regard in which one is held
dehydrateto remove bound water or hydrogen and oxygen from (a chemical compound) in the proportion in which they form water
salvagecompensation paid for saving a ship or its cargo from the perils of the sea or for the lives and property rescued in a wreck
provisionthe act or process of providing
perennialpresent at all seasons of the year