GRE Word List


marked with spots of different colors : having blotches of two or more colors

The meaning of the word mottled is marked with spots of different colors : having blotches of two or more colors.

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antlerone of the paired deciduous solid bony processes that arise from the frontal bone on the head of an animal of the deer family
skirmisha minor fight in war usually incidental to larger movements
certitudethe state of being or feeling certain
exemplarydeserving imitation : commendable
indenturea document or a section of a document that is indented
censoriousmarked by or given to censure (see censure
equilibriuma state of intellectual or emotional balance : poise
solecisman ungrammatical combination of words in a sentence
juga large deep container (as of glass, earthenware, or plastic) with a narrow mouth and a handle
adeptthoroughly proficient : expert