GRE Word List


of, relating to, or characterized by laziness or lack of energy : feeling or affected by lethargy : sluggish

The meaning of the word lethargic is of, relating to, or characterized by laziness or lack of energy : feeling or affected by lethargy : sluggish.

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frugalitythe quality or state of being frugal : careful management of material resources and especially money : thrift
somnambulistan abnormal condition of sleep in which motor acts (such as walking) are performed
intrudeto thrust oneself in without invitation, permission, or welcome
dumbfoundto confound (see confound
effulgentradiant splendor : brilliance
assimilateto take into the mind and thoroughly understand
floridvery flowery in style : ornate
consanguinitythe quality or state of being consanguineous
azurethe blue color of the clear sky
wispya small handful (as of hay or straw)