GRE Word List


lagging or tending to lag : slow especially compared to others of the same kind

The meaning of the word laggard is lagging or tending to lag : slow especially compared to others of the same kind.

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spoonerisma transposition of usually initial sounds of two or more words (as in tons of soil for sons of toil)
acmethe highest point or stage
reposea state of resting after exertion or strain
sallowany of several Old World broad-leaved willows (such as Salix caprea) including important sources of charcoal and tanbark
luscioushaving a delicious taste or smell : sweet
bigotryobstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot
subtletythe quality or state of being subtle
obviateto anticipate and prevent (something, such as a situation) or make (an action) unnecessary
sensitizationthe action or process of sensitizing
adhereto hold fast or stick by or as if by gluing, suction, grasping, or fusing