GRE Word List


characteristic of an isolated people

The meaning of the word insularity is characteristic of an isolated people.

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propheticof, relating to, or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy
gaffea social or diplomatic blunder
elixira substance held capable of changing base metals into gold
exposeto deprive of shelter, protection, or care : subject to risk from a harmful action or condition
paroxysma fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms (as of a disease) : convulsion
cravenlacking the least bit of courage : contemptibly fainthearted
cavaliermarked by or given to offhand and often disdainful (see disdain
optimista person who is inclined to be hopeful and to expect good outcomes : someone who is given to optimism
cohereto hold together firmly as parts of the same mass
emolumentthe returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites