GRE Word List


involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : intrinsic

The meaning of the word inherent is involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : intrinsic.

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accessoryan object or device that is not essential in itself but adds to the beauty, convenience, or effectiveness of something else
loga usually bulky piece or length of a cut or fallen tree
gloss_overexplain away with the intention of deceiving or hiding faults
figmentsomething made up or contrived
graphitea soft black lustrous form of carbon that conducts electricity and is used in lead pencils and electrolytic anodes, as a lubricant, and as a moderator in nuclear reactors
catalysta substance that enables a chemical reaction to proceed at a usually faster rate or under different conditions (as at a lower temperature) than otherwise possible
indisputablenot disputable : unquestionable
anvila heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped (as by hand hammering)