GRE Word List


marked by or prone to indecision : irresolute

The meaning of the word indecisive is marked by or prone to indecision : irresolute.

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venialof a kind that can be remitted : forgivable
jocundmarked by or suggestive of high spirits and lively mirthfulness
disfigureto impair (as in beauty) by deep and persistent injuries
wafflea crisp cake of batter baked in a waffle iron
vouchto supply supporting evidence or testimony
libidoinstinctual psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory is derived from primitive biological urges (as for sexual pleasure or self-preservation) and that is expressed in conscious activity
partialitythe quality or state of being partial : bias
shadecomparative darkness or obscurity owing to interception of the rays of light
bastiona projecting part of a fortification
retroactiveextending in scope or effect to a prior time or to conditions that existed or originated in the past