GRE Word List


unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness

The meaning of the word candor is unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness.

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sentimentalmarked or governed by feeling, sensibility, or emotional idealism
venturesomeinclined to court or incur risk or danger : daring
pell-mellin mingled confusion or disorder
extenuateto lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of (something, such as a fault or offense) by making partial excuses : mitigate
bastarda child born to parents who are not married to each other
monochromatichaving or consisting of one color or hue
amalgamateto unite in or as if in an amalgam
dowdynot neat or becoming in appearance : shabby
serenitythe quality or state of being serene