GRE Word List


unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness

The meaning of the word candor is unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness.

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annuitya sum of money payable yearly or at other regular intervals
illusorybased on or producing illusion : deceptive
refuteto prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous
discordantbeing at variance : disagreeing
rapaciousexcessively grasping or covetous
irrefutableimpossible to refute : incontrovertible
ogleto glance with amorous invitation or challenge
illimitableincapable of being limited or bounded : measureless
transgressionan act, process, or instance of transgressing: such as
indictto charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (such as a grand jury) in due form of law