GRE Word List


not provident : not foreseeing and providing for the future

The meaning of the word improvident is not provident : not foreseeing and providing for the future.

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boorishresembling or befitting a rude or insensitive person : resembling or befitting a boor
breadthdistance from side to side : width
incensematerial used to produce a fragrant odor when burned
seditionincitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority
lecheryinordinate (see inordinate
lackadaisicallacking life, spirit, or zest : languid
crochetneedlework consisting of the interlocking of looped stitches formed with a single thread and a hooked needle
attenuateto lessen the amount, force, magnitude, or value of : weaken
sheatheto put into or furnish with a sheath
peddleto travel about with wares for sale