GRE Word List


capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed : implied

The meaning of the word implicit is capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed : implied.

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predatoran organism that primarily obtains food by the killing and consuming of other organisms : an organism that lives by predation
titillateto excite pleasurably : arouse by stimulation
annulto declare or make legally invalid or void
aggregateformed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or amount : collective
incorporateto unite or work into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole
exorbitantnot coming within the scope of the law
fetidhaving a heavy offensive smell
mongrelan individual resulting from the interbreeding of diverse breeds (see breed
acclimateto adapt (someone) to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation
compileto compose out of materials from other documents