GRE Word List


to supply or brighten with light

The meaning of the word illuminate is to supply or brighten with light.

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raucousdisagreeably harsh or strident : hoarse
parallelextending in the same direction, everywhere equidistant (see equidistant
resentmenta feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury
trickleto issue or fall in drops
opiatean alkaloid drug (such as morphine or codeine) that contains or is derived from opium, binds to cell receptors primarily of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, acts to block pain, induce sedation or sleep, depress respiration, and produce calmness or euphoria, and is associated with physiological tolerance (see tolerance
heinoushatefully or shockingly evil : abominable
misgivingsa feeling of doubt or suspicion especially concerning a future event
desertsarid land with usually sparse vegetation
latchto lay hold with or as if with the hands or arms
labyrintha place constructed of or full of intricate passageways and blind alleys