GRE Word List


free from defect, disease, or infirmity : sound

The meaning of the word hale is free from defect, disease, or infirmity : sound.

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underscoreto draw a line under : underline
dominantcommanding, controlling, or prevailing over all others
licentiouslacking legal or moral restraints
sanctiona formal decree
condoneto regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless
utopiaa place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions
laggardlagging or tending to lag : slow especially compared to others of the same kind
hypercriticalmeticulously or excessively critical
artisana worker who practices a trade or handicraft : craftsperson
vertigoa sensation of motion in which the individual or the individual's surroundings seem to whirl dizzily