GRE Word List


a ship or boat propelled solely or chiefly by oars: such as

The meaning of the word galley is a ship or boat propelled solely or chiefly by oars: such as.

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perfidiousof, relating to, or characterized by perfidy
lookoutone engaged in keeping watch : watchman
nostruma medicine of secret composition recommended by its preparer but usually without scientific proof of its effectiveness
stodgyhaving a rich filling quality : heavy
hoaxto trick into believing or accepting as genuine something false and often preposterous
berserkan ancient Scandinavian warrior frenzied in battle and held to be invulnerable
retroactiveextending in scope or effect to a prior time or to conditions that existed or originated in the past
gambita chess opening in which a player risks one or more pawns or a minor piece to gain an advantage in position
granarya storehouse for threshed grain