GRE Word List


to predict by projecting past experience or known data

The meaning of the word extrapolation is to predict by projecting past experience or known data.

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pastoralof, relating to, or composed of shepherds or herdsmen
permeablecapable of being permeated : penetrable
intoxicateto excite or stupefy by alcohol or a drug especially to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished
unrequitednot requited : not reciprocated or returned in kind
bulgeto jut out : swell
relentto become less severe, harsh, or strict usually from reasons of humanity
carillona set of fixed chromatically tuned bells sounded by hammers controlled from a keyboard
deviateto stray especially from a standard, principle, or topic
emasculateto deprive of strength, vigor, or spirit : weaken
discourseverbal interchange of ideas