GRE Word List


introduced from another country : not native to the place where found

The meaning of the word exotic is introduced from another country : not native to the place where found.

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waketo be or remain awake
hypnosisa trancelike state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject
mollycoddleto treat with an excessive or absurd degree of indulgence and attention
spatsquabble; minor dispute; minor quarrel
forswearto make a liar of (oneself) under or as if under oath
adjutanta staff officer in the army, air force, or marine corps who assists the commanding officer and is responsible especially for correspondence
rummageto make a thorough search or investigation
persistto go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition, importunity, or warning
weanto accustom (a young child or animal) to take food otherwise than by nursing