GRE Word List


tending to vanish like vapor

The meaning of the word evanescent is tending to vanish like vapor.

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fundamentalserving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function : basic
immobilitynot moving : motionless
symbiosisthe living together in more or less intimate association or close union of two dissimilar organisms (as in parasitism or commensalism)
unwittingnot knowing : unaware
scrapsfragments of discarded or leftover food
kernelthe inner softer part of a seed, fruit stone, or nut
fuss:trouble or worry over trifles; make nervous; pay too much attention to; N: needless concern or worry (about a trivial thing); anxious nervous condition; display of attention; Ex. make a fuss over the baby
sepulchera place of burial : tomb
skulkto move in a stealthy or furtive manner
innovationa new idea, method, or device : novelty