GRE Word List


to free from restraint, control, or the power of another

The meaning of the word emancipate is to free from restraint, control, or the power of another.

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exquisitemarked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution
degeneratehaving declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
cosmicof or relating to the cosmos, the extraterrestrial vastness, or the universe in contrast to the earth alone
aplombcomplete and confident composure or self-assurance : poise
absolveto set (someone) free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt
pranceto spring from the hind legs or move by so doing
dronea stingless male bee (as of the honeybee) that has the role of mating with the queen and does not gather nectar or pollen
decelerateto reduce the speed of : slow down
subjectiveof, relating to, or constituting a subject: such as
debristhe remains of something broken down or destroyed