GRE Word List


the act or an instance of diverting or straying from a course, activity, or use : deviation

The meaning of the word diversion is the act or an instance of diverting or straying from a course, activity, or use : deviation.

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elopeto run away secretly with the intention of getting married usually without parental consent
sanctimonioushypocritically pious or devout
gratiswithout charge or recompense : free
roseateresembling a rose especially in color
headfirstwith the head foremost
premeditateto think about and revolve in the mind beforehand
checkto inspect, examine, or look at appraisingly or appreciatively
missilecapable of being thrown or projected to strike a distant object
ascendancygoverning or controlling influence : domination
stagnantnot flowing in a current or stream