GRE Word List


a transverse drain

The meaning of the word culvert is a transverse drain.

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spectruma continuum of color formed when a beam of white light is dispersed (as by passage through a prism) so that its component wavelengths are arranged in order
aggrandizeto make great or greater : increase
amissin a mistaken way : wrongly
impelto urge or drive forward or on by or as if by the exertion of strong moral pressure : force
disbandto break up the organization of : dissolve
pernicioushighly injurious or destructive : deadly
gourmandone who is excessively fond of eating and drinking
buccaneerany of the freebooters preying on Spanish ships and settlements especially in 17th century West Indies
bruisean injury involving rupture of small blood vessels and discoloration without a break in the overlying skin : contusion
enervatelacking physical, mental, or moral vigor : enervated