GRE Word List


unenclosed grassland

The meaning of the word bent is unenclosed grassland.

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plumbera dealer or worker in lead
blighta disease or injury of plants marked by the formation of lesions, withering, and death of parts (such as leaves and tubers)
solublesusceptible of being dissolved in or as if in a liquid and especially water
motifa usually recurring salient thematic element (as in the arts)
hazardousinvolving or exposing one to risk (as of loss or harm)
opiatean alkaloid drug (such as morphine or codeine) that contains or is derived from opium, binds to cell receptors primarily of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, acts to block pain, induce sedation or sleep, depress respiration, and produce calmness or euphoria, and is associated with physiological tolerance (see tolerance
catalysta substance that enables a chemical reaction to proceed at a usually faster rate or under different conditions (as at a lower temperature) than otherwise possible
misgivingsa feeling of doubt or suspicion especially concerning a future event
bewitchto influence or affect especially injuriously by witchcraft
scoffan expression of scorn, derision, or contempt : gibe