GRE Word List


having clairvoyance : able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception

The meaning of the word clairvoyant is having clairvoyance : able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception.

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pervertto cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right : corrupt
libidoinstinctual psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory is derived from primitive biological urges (as for sexual pleasure or self-preservation) and that is expressed in conscious activity
simulateto give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive : imitate
harpinga plucked stringed instrument consisting of a resonator, an arched or angled neck that may be supported by a post, and strings of graded length that are perpendicular to the soundboard
piquantengagingly provocative
amenableliable to be brought to account : answerable
ironicrelating to, containing, or constituting irony
superfluousexceeding what is sufficient or necessary : extra
dissentto withhold assent or approval
avowto declare assuredly