GRE Word List


marked by alternating squares of different colors, shades, or materials

The meaning of the word checkered is marked by alternating squares of different colors, shades, or materials.

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perfunctorycharacterized by routine or superficiality : mechanical
anarchista person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power
pachydermany of various nonruminant mammals (such as an elephant, a rhinoceros, or a hippopotamus) of a former group (Pachydermata) that have hooves or nails resembling hooves and usually thick skin
kindleto start (a fire) burning : light
revoketo annul by recalling or taking back : rescind
collectedgathered together
placidserenely free of interruption or disturbance
deployto extend (a military unit) especially in width
authoritativehaving, marked by, or proceeding from authority
complementaryserving to fill out or complete