GRE Word List


marked by alternating squares of different colors, shades, or materials

The meaning of the word checkered is marked by alternating squares of different colors, shades, or materials.

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apoliticalhaving no interest or involvement in political affairs
spasmodicrelating to or affected or characterized by spasm
convexcurved or rounded outward like the exterior of a sphere or circle
consolean architectural member projecting from a wall to form a bracket or from a keystone for ornament
voguepopular acceptation or favor : popularity
frockan outer garment worn by monks and friars : habit
placeboa usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder
proprietythe quality or state of being proper or suitable : appropriateness
warblea melodious succession of low pleasing sounds
outgoinggoing away : departing