GRE Word List


to agree to or approve of something (such as an idea or suggestion) especially after thoughtful consideration : concur

The meaning of the word assent is to agree to or approve of something (such as an idea or suggestion) especially after thoughtful consideration : concur.

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elicitto call forth or draw out (something, such as information or a response)
fussyeasily upset : irritable
centaurany of a race of creatures fabled to be half human and half horse and to live in the mountains of Thessaly
pandemoniuma wild uproar (as because of anger or excitement in a crowd of people)
bivouaca usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter
elasticcapable of recovering size and shape after deformation
retaliateto return like for like
incarnationthe act of incarnating : the state of being incarnate
gustatoryrelating to or associated with eating or the sense of taste
besetto set or stud with or as if with ornaments