GRE Word List


to dress or decorate especially in splendid or impressive attire : adorn

The meaning of the word array is to dress or decorate especially in splendid or impressive attire : adorn.

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connubialof or relating to the married state : conjugal
demoniacpossessed or influenced by a demon
scurvya disease caused by a lack of vitamin C and characterized by spongy gums, loosening of the teeth, and a bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes
pastrya dough that is used to make pies and other baked goods and typically has a high fat content : paste
riderone that rides
misapprehensionto apprehend wrongly : misunderstand
enthrallto hold spellbound : charm
pillagethe act of looting or plundering especially in war
lavishexpending or bestowing profusely : prodigal