GRE Word List
a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved
The meaning of the word archives is a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved.
Random words
Word | Meaning |
strut | to become turgid : swell |
indigenous | produced, growing, living, or occurring natively or naturally in a particular region or environment |
languid | drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak |
jug | a large deep container (as of glass, earthenware, or plastic) with a narrow mouth and a handle |
conjecture | inference formed without proof or sufficient evidence |
censure | a judgment involving condemnation |
amulet | a charm (such as an ornament) often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol to aid the wearer or protect against evil (such as disease or witchcraft) |
geniality | marked by or freely expressing sympathy or friendliness |
despoil | to strip of belongings, possessions, or value : pillage |
aghast | struck with terror, amazement, or horror : shocked and upset |