GRE Word List


the point in the orbit of an object (such as a satellite) orbiting the earth that is at the greatest distance from the center of the earth

The meaning of the word apogee is the point in the orbit of an object (such as a satellite) orbiting the earth that is at the greatest distance from the center of the earth.

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fictitiousof, relating to, or characteristic of fiction : imaginary
bogusnot genuine : counterfeit
braga pompous or boastful statement
meteto give out by measure : dole out
haranguea speech addressed to a public assembly
undermineto subvert or weaken insidiously or secretly
immaculatespotlessly clean
cornucopiaa curved, hollow goat's horn or similarly shaped receptacle (such as a horn-shaped basket) that is overflowing especially with fruit and vegetables (such as gourds, ears of corn, apples, and grapes) and that is used as a decorative motif emblematic of abundance
shimmerto shine with a soft tremulous or fitful light : glimmer