GRE Word List


of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible

The meaning of the word antediluvian is of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible.

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minutethe 60th part of an hour of time : 60 seconds
tartagreeably sharp or acid to the taste
slacknot using due diligence, care, or dispatch : negligent
sedentarynot migratory : settled
disfigureto impair (as in beauty) by deep and persistent injuries
stem_fromarise from; originate from
quailany of numerous small gallinaceous birds: such as
opaqueblocking the passage of radiant energy and especially light : exhibiting opacity (see opacity
mortifyto subject to severe and vexing embarrassment : shame
disdaina feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior : scorn