GRE Word List


liable to be brought to account : answerable

The meaning of the word amenable is liable to be brought to account : answerable.

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animadversiona critical and usually censorious remark
pestlea usually club-shaped implement for pounding or grinding substances in a mortar see mortar illustration
fleecethe coat of wool covering a wool-bearing animal (such as a sheep)
minutiaea minute or minor detail
captionthe part of a legal document that shows where, when, and by what authority it was taken, found, or executed
wagea payment usually of money for labor or services usually according to contract and on an hourly, daily, or piecework basis
marginalwritten or printed in the margin of a page or sheet
protegeone who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence
visceralfelt in or as if in the internal organs of the body : deep
vixena female fox