GRE Word List


unshakable or insistent especially in maintaining a position or opinion : unyielding

The meaning of the word adamant is unshakable or insistent especially in maintaining a position or opinion : unyielding.

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tokena piece resembling a coin issued for use (as for fare on a bus) by a particular group on specified terms
manipulateto treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner
communetalk over
parsimonythe quality of being careful with money or resources : thrift
implausiblenot plausible : provoking disbelief
mutterto utter sounds or words indistinctly or with a low voice and with the lips partly closed
bullya blustering, browbeating person
engagedinvolved in activity : occupied
hutan often small and temporary dwelling of simple construction : shack