GRE Word List


causing damage, wear, or removal of surface material by grinding or rubbing : tending to abrade

The meaning of the word abrasive is causing damage, wear, or removal of surface material by grinding or rubbing : tending to abrade.

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rationalizeto bring into accord with reason or cause something to seem reasonable: such as
teneta principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true
sproutto grow, spring up, or come forth as or as if a sprout
lethargicof, relating to, or characterized by laziness or lack of energy : feeling or affected by lethargy : sluggish
argotthe language used by a particular type or group of people : an often more or less secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group
viseany of various tools with two jaws for holding work that close usually by a screw, lever, or cam
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