How to Remove Glue Residue From Price Tags Stuck On Pen

Published September 26, 2024

how to remove glue residue from price tags How to remove glue residue from price tags stuck a little too firmly on items

My New Pen Came With a Very Sticky Price Tag

I bought a PILOT Frixion 0.7mm erasable Japanese-made pen online from Walmart. It took a while to arrive, and when it arrived, it had an ugly and large price tag stuck in the middle.

I gently removed the price tag, but unfortunately the paper tore in multiple places and there was the residual sticky part of the glue on the pen.

I have never really seen price tags on individual pens, and I personally hate price tags that tear and/or leave residual sticker glue on the item.

I Rubbed the Sticky Area With a Clorox Wipe (did not work)

Using a Clorox wipe, I wiped the sticky area where the price tag was located. At first, the glue residue appeared to have disappeared. But when it dried up, it was "dry sticky".

So, using Clorox did not work in removing the glue residue.

I Washed the Sticky Area With Dawn Soap (did not work)

I washed the sticky area with a few drops of Dawn soap, which usually has the ability to attract and remove grime, dirt and to some extent sticky residue on various surfaces.

Unfortunately, after a rigorous wash, the glue remained.

I Used Isopropyl Alcohol (it worked)

Isopropyl alcohol is also known as rubbing alcohol. I bought this 91% isopropyl alcohol from Walmart to clean our garden tools and other things.

I took a paper towel and folded it into two. I poured a little isopropyl on the paper towel and gently wiped the sticky area left by the price tag. The glue residue left immediately. The isopropyl alcohol did not remove the printed text on the pen's surface.

Let it sit for 5 minutes. Then, wipe it off with a damp paper towel (damp with water), and the alcohol smell will go away.

Mission accomplished!

Can I Use Nail Polish Remover / Acetone?

Nail polish remover usually contains acetone and is very powerful. Acetone can be used to remove glue residue, but it can remove the text on the pen as well.

First, test the nail polish remover on another identical pen. If it discolors the pen or removes the text on it, then do not use it.

Can I Use WD-40?

Yes, WD-40 can be used. Sit in a ventilated area. Spray a small amount WD-40 on the glue residue and wait for up to 15 minutes.

The glue residue would have been dissolved and will not be there anymore on the pen.

Can I Use White Vinegar?

Yes, white vinegar works great too! Pour a little white vinegar on a paper towel and rub the glue residue area with this paper. After 3 minutes of letting the solvent soak


In my opinion, 91% isopropyl alcohol is the best, and white vinegar is a close second. Acetone is good if you don't care about the other text on the pen.

If you have any questions, please contact me at arulbOsutkNiqlzziyties@gNqmaizl.bkcom. You can also post questions in our Facebook group. Thank you.

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Last Updated: September 26, 2024.     This post was originally written on September 26, 2024.