Social Security Number (SSN) Lookup
This program does a lookup on a Social Security Number (SSN) and displays the state where the SSN was issued. Note that this does not return the name or other information.
NOTE: On June 25, 2011, the SSA changed the SSN assignment process to "SSN randomization", so any SSN isued after June 25, 2011 may not represent the area number of the individuals.
What is a Social Security Number?
In the United States, a Social Security number (SSN) is a nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents under section 205(c)(2) of the Social Security Act, codified as 42 U.S.C. § 405(c)(2). The number is issued to an individual by the Social Security Administration, an independent agency of the United States government. Read more.