GRE Word List


a toxic substance produced by some animals (such as snakes, scorpions, or bees) that is injected into prey or an enemy chiefly by biting or stinging and has an injurious or lethal effect

The meaning of the word venom is a toxic substance produced by some animals (such as snakes, scorpions, or bees) that is injected into prey or an enemy chiefly by biting or stinging and has an injurious or lethal effect.

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incurto become liable or subject to : bring down upon oneself
willfulobstinately and often perversely self-willed
imperturbablemarked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness : serene
primaryfirst in order of time or development : primitive
noxiousphysically harmful or destructive to living beings
kenthe range of perception, understanding, or knowledge
canarda false or unfounded report or story
floefloating ice formed in a large sheet on the surface of a body of water
squatto cause (oneself) to crouch or sit on the ground
glutinoushaving the quality of glue : gummy