GRE Word List


to diversify in external appearance especially with different colors : dapple

The meaning of the word variegate is to diversify in external appearance especially with different colors : dapple.

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contraveneto go or act contrary to : violate
bovineof, relating to, or resembling bovines and especially the ox or cow
buccaneerany of the freebooters preying on Spanish ships and settlements especially in 17th century West Indies
tacta keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense
prescienceforeknowledge of events:
misogamya hatred of marriage
artisana worker who practices a trade or handicraft : craftsperson
amokan episode of sudden mass assault against people or objects usually by a single individual following a period of brooding that has traditionally been regarded as occurring especially in Malaysian culture but is now increasingly viewed as psychopathological behavior occurring worldwide in numerous countries and cultures
checkeredmarked by alternating squares of different colors, shades, or materials
propitiousfavorably disposed : benevolent